Wednesday, November 24, 2010

we made it!!!!

Wow! after 4 flights and about 24 hours of travel we are in the capitol city.  I tried to write this earlier, but the laptop did not cooperate.  We had good flights, and met some nice people, just cramped for space.  Nico, our driver, was a few minutes late picking us up because there were tax protesters all over the city today.  Once he arrived we drove to our neighborhood , he helped us change some money and get some groceries then we went to our apartment.  We are on the 15th floor overlooking the city,thank goodness the elevator works!  It was 7pm our time when Nico left, we ate chicken ( really good )and potatoes and crashed.  I woke up about an hour ago and thought it was early morning.... um no, it is only ! I am wide awake and I have 10 hours until we leave for our appointment.  I'm  going to   take some more benadryl and try to sleep.  I don't want to be tired for our SDA appointment today!  We are going to explore a little after our appointment so I should have a few pictures.  Yesterday was the first cold day here and they are forcasting snow for today.  Nico asked us if we had clothes that were "more hot", neither of us had our coats on and it was like 33 degrees, we assured him we did! 


  1. We are glad that you made it. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving feast we will be thinking about you. No new mail. Mom wants to know if she can bring her curling iron? Good luck!!! Try to stay off the benadryl.

    Erica, Mom and Dad

  2. YEAH! I'm betting you are in the same apartment we were in, if you were on the 15th floor. Do you have to walk down a set of stairs to the back of the building, through a tunnel to the door? I have pics of it on my blog and also in the pic video. That was a great apartment! Nico is amazing, we love him!

    Can't wait to hear all about your appointment and can't wait more for you to meet your babies!

  3. Glad you all made it! Got an email earlier from Nancy that Luda received our paperwork, I can not thank you enough!!! Can't wait to read/hear all about your trip and your beautiful babies! Talk with you soon! Sending lots of hugs and prayers you all's way!

  4. so happy you made it safely!!
    I think you are in my apartment :)
    next door to the right of tgifridays is a good italian place, much cheaper than tgif. Across the street from tgif is a ua buffet, very cheap very good food. hugs!
